The Australian Sexual Offence Statistical collection was established by the Australian Institute of Criminology to monitor sexual offending across the country. The collection brings together data on all types of sexual offending, with a focus on alleged sexual offenders. This is the collection’s first Statistical Report, covering 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022. It describes the 8,326 alleged sexual offenders proceeded against by police in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory in 2021–22. The offenders were proceeded against for offences involving a total of 8,460 identified victims.
URLs correct as at April 2024
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Australian Bureau of Statistics 2023b. National, state and territory population. Canberra: ABS.
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Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011. Australian and New Zealand Standard Offence Classification (ANZSOC), 3rd ed. Canberra: ABS.
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- Acknowledgements
- Acronyms and abbreviations
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Data collection
- Definitions
- Data items and coding
- Counting rules
- Limitations
- Sexual offenders
- Sex and age
- Indigenous status
- Number of incidents and victims
- Offender–victim relationship
- Offenders with child sexual offences
- Offenders with non-child sexual offences
- Location of offending
- Number and type of proceedings
- Prior police proceedings
- Sexual offence victims
- Victims with one or more offenders
- Types of sexual offending
- Offender sex by offence type
- Offender age by offence type
- Offenders by offence type and victim sex and age
- References
- Appendix A: Methodology
- State and territory data items coding
- Appendix B: Data tables