This study examined the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and child sexual abuse (CSA), employing a rapid evidence assessment of research on the uses of AI for the prevention and disruption of CSA, and the ways in which AI is used in CSA offending. Research from January 2010 to March 2024 was reviewed, identifying 33 empirical studies.
All studies that met inclusion criteria examined AI for CSA prevention and disruption—specifically, how technology can be used to detect or investigate child sexual abuse material or child sexual offenders. There were no studies examining the uses of AI in CSA offending.
This paper describes the state of current research at the intersection of AI and CSA, and provides a gap map to guide future research.
URLs correct as at November 2024
*Included in review
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Acknowledgements: This research was conducted as part of the National Office for Child Safety’s Child Safety Research Agenda.