National review of child sexual abuse and sexual assault legislation in Australia Published Date 15-10-2024 Series Special reports Author(s) Dowling, Christopher Lawler, Siobhan Doherty, Laura Wolbers, Heather Subject Child sexual exploitation Sexual assault Child abuse and neglect Law Comparative analysis
Targeting fixated individuals to prevent intimate partner homicide: Proposing the Domestic Violence Threat Assessment Centre Published Date 19-07-2024 Series Research in practice Author(s) Cubitt, Timothy Morgan, Anthony Dowling, Christopher Bricknell, Samantha Brown, Rick Subject Intimate partner Family and domestic violence Homicide Offenders Intervention Programs
Perpetration of sexual violence in a community sample of adult Australians Published Date 10-07-2024 Series Statistical Bulletin Author(s) Doherty, Laura Dowling, Christopher Subject Sexual violence Sexual assault Comparative analysis Offenders Surveys
Police training in responding to family, domestic and sexual violence Published Date 18-04-2024 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Dowling, Christopher Subject Family and domestic violence Sexual violence Police training Peer-reviewed
Motives and pathways for joining outlaw motorcycle gangs Published Date 27-02-2024 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Voce, Isabella Boland, Dominic Morgan, Anthony Dowling, Christopher Chiu, Yi-Ning Lowe, Roger Webster, Julianne Subject OMCG Organised and transnational crime Peer-reviewed
Improving police risk assessment of domestic violence: A follow-up validation study Published Date 21-06-2023 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Dowling, Christopher Wolbers, Heather Morgan, Anthony Long, Cameron Subject Family and domestic violence Risk assessment Policing Crime prediction Peer-reviewed
Understanding and preventing internet-facilitated radicalisation Published Date 15-06-2023 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Wolbers, Heather Dowling, Christopher Cubitt, Timothy Kuhn, Chante Subject Terrorism Violence Violent extremism Intervention Technology Radicalisation Peer-reviewed
The role of depression in intimate partner homicide perpetrated by men against women: An analysis of sentencing remarks Published Date 23-05-2023 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Lawler, Siobhan Boxall, Hayley Dowling, Christopher Subject Intimate partner Homicide Offenders Mental health Family and domestic violence Peer-reviewed
Outlaw motorcycle gangs and domestic violence Published Date 18-05-2023 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Morgan, Anthony Cubitt, Timothy Dowling, Christopher Subject OMCG Family and domestic violence Offenders Peer-reviewed
Crime by outlaw motorcycle gang members during club conflicts Published Date 14-03-2023 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Cubitt, Timothy Dowling, Christopher Morgan, Anthony Subject OMCG Geographic distribution of crime Trends Peer-reviewed