CRG 50/16-17: Darknet drug traders: a qualitative exploration of the career trajectories, activities and perceptions of risk and reward of online drug dealers Author(s) Munksgaard, Rasmus Martin, James Subject Drug use
CRG 47/16-17: The use of ambulance data to inform patterns and trends of alcohol and other drug misuse, self-harm and mental health in different types of violence Author(s) Scott, Debbie Heilbronn, Cherie Coomber, Kerri Curtis, Ashlee Moayeri, Foruhar Wilson, James Matthews, Sharon Crossin, Rose Wilson, Alex Smith, Karen Miller, Peter Lubman, Dan Subject Alcohol use Drug use Violence
The effect of media publicity on the incidence and characteristics of drug abuse in Melbourne Author(s) Hendtlass, Jane Subject Drug use
CRG 20/14-15: ‘Intoxication’ and Australian Criminal Law: Implications for Addressing Alcohol and Other Drug-Related Harms and Risks Author(s) Quilter, Julia McNamara, Luke Seear, Kate Room, Robin Subject Alcohol use Drug use Violence
Amphetamine use among detainees at the East Perth watch house: what is the impact on crime? Author(s) Gately, Natalie Fleming, Jennifer Morris, Robyn McGregor, Catherine Subject Drug use
Temporal patterns in the development of drug use, criminal behaviour and drug treatment Author(s) Hamilton, Margaret Subject Drug use
Grant 20/10-11: Determining the impact of opioid substitution therapy upon mortality and recidivism among prisoners: A 22 year data linkage study Author(s) Gisev, Natasa Larney, Sarah Kimber, Jo Burns, Lucy Weatherburn, Don Gibson, Amy Dobbins, Tim Mattick, Richard Butler, Tony Degenhardt, Louisa Subject Corrections Drug use
Schizophrenia and offending: area of residence and the impact of social disorganisation and disadvantage Author(s) Morgan, Frank Morgan, Vera Clare, Joe Valuri, Giulietta Woodman, Richard Jablensky, Assen Subject Drug use
The detection of domestic violence through routine assessment at drug and alcohol treatment centres Author(s) Gomel, Michelle Gertler, Robert Subject Alcohol use Drug use Family and domestic violence
Victoria Police-Ambulance Service, Melbourne, cooperative study to establish the relationship between drug overdose and criminality Subject Drug use