Careers of institutionalised serious offenders Author(s) Broadhurst, Roderic Maller, Ross Subject Homicide Sex offences
A socio-psychological profile of a child killer Author(s) Wilson, Paul Subject Child abuse and neglect Homicide
Women charged and convicted of homicide offences in New South Wales Author(s) Lansdowne, Robyn Bacon, Wendy Subject Homicide
CRG 52/14-15: Filicide in Australia, 2000-2012 A National Report Author(s) Brown, Thea Lyneham, Samantha Bryant, Willow Bricknell, Samantha Tomison, Adam Tyson, Danielle Arias, Paula Subject Child abuse and neglect Family and domestic violence Homicide
CRG 47/10-11: Homicide and the nighttime economy Author(s) Tomsen, Stephen Payne, Jason Subject Alcohol use Homicide
Aboriginal youth suicide: towards a model of explanation and alleviation Author(s) Tatz, Colin Subject Homicide Youth justice
Child homicide in Victoria 1985-1992 Author(s) Polk, Ken Alder, Christine Subject Child abuse and neglect Homicide
The role of masculinity and male honour in gay killings and murder trial outcomes Author(s) Tomsen, Stephen Subject Homicide
An exploration of confrontational homicide in Victoria Author(s) Polk, Ken Ranson, David Subject Homicide